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The History of FCube Solutions

The History of FCube Solutions

FCube Solutions, created in 2021, is the pooling of the skills of senior international consultants, each of whom has been working in their own field of expertise for over 15 years.

As a result, FCube Solutions gives clients access to an international network of skills and thus to top-of-the-line solutions, depending on the type of project, the goods they have to sell or their problem.

The History of FCube Solutions

Our procedures are legal, our contracts are legal. We do not do any doubtful business. Our clients are therefore checked, via a due diligence procedure. When this first level is ok, our partners, if the envisaged business can be done, check the client further by analyzing his KYC (knowing his client better).

We report to the competent authorities (social networks, financial authorities, partners, …) any prospect who provides us with false documents or tries to offer us a fraudulent operation.

Banking sector

Banking sector

Specialization in the field of banking and insurance companies.

Main areas:

  1. Insurance,
  2. Assets,
  3. Banking,
  4. Contributors
    BtoB area

    BtoB area

    Specialization in the field of business development, business network development.

    Main areas:

    1. Trade,
    2. Bidders,
    3. Influencers
    Commodities area

    Commodities area

    Specialization in the field of Native and Bullion Gold, as well as in oil trading. Wide network of influence and suppliers, especially in Switzerland, the Middle East and other regions of the world.

    Main areas :

    1. Native gold and bullion,
    2. Oil trading,
    3. Trading in agricultural commodities
    Area of financial instruments

    Area of financial instruments

    Specialization in the use of certain financial instruments to carry out investment or development operations.

    Main areas :

    1. Fundraising for development projects,
    2. Development of investment capacity,
    3. Real estate investment,
    4. Real estate acquisition

    More details …

    Discover our services , our areas of expertise, our invest procedure and our raisefunding methodology.
    Also to learn more about the bad practices of dishonest people, you can check out a great information site here.
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